My first ever professional sales job was selling timeshare computer services. (Yes, I AM that old.) A doctor was launching this company to sell off extra computer power and asked me to be "his guy." He was a great guy, a respected physician, and a smart business man. He knew me well, liked me, and wanted to support me. I accepted his offer.
A year and a half later he fired me.
"He" was my Dad.
In the 40 some years since then, I have been motivated to understand sales, perfect my craft, and use the pain of disappointing my Dad to make as powerful a difference as I possibly can.
What I now know that I did not know then, is that the mechanics of sales are the simple part. The hard part is all the brain trash that speaks to us when it brings the least value possible. The inner voice serving up fear, uncertainty and doubt throughout all efforts to succeed.
When I teach sales, I generally teach to the easy part, the mechanics, how do I comfortably go from a no to a yes. When I coach people, I coach to the hard part. how do I get the human operating system that is ones mind, to move from a default negative mode to a positive performance mode. Not everyone makes it, not everyone is willing to do the hard work to change their own brainset, Those who do find a transformed life they never new existed previously and could never imagine going away from. This is a life of rich relationships, more power, freedom, self-expression and peace of mind than ever before previously known.
Between selling skills and transformation, I have fulfilled my purpose leaving clients and friends with far greater performance in leadership, relationship, communications and sales. My life is blessed, my purpose fulfilled.
Time to go on another motorcycle adventure.
A year and a half later he fired me.
"He" was my Dad.
In the 40 some years since then, I have been motivated to understand sales, perfect my craft, and use the pain of disappointing my Dad to make as powerful a difference as I possibly can.
What I now know that I did not know then, is that the mechanics of sales are the simple part. The hard part is all the brain trash that speaks to us when it brings the least value possible. The inner voice serving up fear, uncertainty and doubt throughout all efforts to succeed.
When I teach sales, I generally teach to the easy part, the mechanics, how do I comfortably go from a no to a yes. When I coach people, I coach to the hard part. how do I get the human operating system that is ones mind, to move from a default negative mode to a positive performance mode. Not everyone makes it, not everyone is willing to do the hard work to change their own brainset, Those who do find a transformed life they never new existed previously and could never imagine going away from. This is a life of rich relationships, more power, freedom, self-expression and peace of mind than ever before previously known.
Between selling skills and transformation, I have fulfilled my purpose leaving clients and friends with far greater performance in leadership, relationship, communications and sales. My life is blessed, my purpose fulfilled.
Time to go on another motorcycle adventure.
Some PHotos
My life is never boring. Of course that is a choice, I get to choose what actions to take so that "not boring" represents what I want versus what I allowed to choose me.
These photos represent my happy places.
These photos represent my happy places.